Eleni Kalorizou

Dr. Helen Kalorizou  Flag Greece

Assistant Professor in Pomology

CV : Short CV_En


Phone: (+30) 2631058232

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-3933-1312

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=el&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=kalorizou+helen&btnG=&oq=kalorizou

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Helen-Kalorizou?ev=prf_overview

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=35727625900


Ptyxio / 5 years Β.Sc. Hons in Agriculture (Specialization: Horticulture), School of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Ph.D., University of Reading U.K., Department of Agriculture, School of Agriculture Policy and Development. Thesis Title: ”Physiological and anatomical approaches for identifying resistance mechanisms to migratory endoparasitic nematodes among Musa varieties”


  • Stress and stress adaptation mechanisms in trees
  • Physiological and anatomical evolution of tree’s root system.
  • Orchard photosynthetic efficiency
  • Fruit physiology
  • Metabolites and cellular signaling in tree species.
  • Nutrition toxicity and immunity among tree species.
  • Irrigation, fertilization in commercial orchards
  • Mass propagation of tree species.
  • Climate change as a multifactorial pressure on trees.
  • Urban, aesthetic, commercial and economic pomology
  • Management practices for tree genetic resources.
  • Digital and robotic pomology.
  • Orchard sustainable management; pomological innovation in circular economy.


Dr. Helen Kalorizou is Assistant Prof. of the Department of Agriculture at University of Patras  (Mesolonghi Campus). She holds many years of research experience in pomology within European Union and International Organizations funding schemes with numerous publications. She is involved in projects related local tree genotypes, nutritional stress, phenotypic plasticity, tissue culture, physiological and biochemical stress analysis, cellular microscopy. In parallel for many years, she served as Senior Technical Advisor & Court Technical Expert behalf of Hellenic Public Power Corporation  (P.P.C.) for expropriation activities and hydroelectric flood damages in commercial orchards.


Kalorizou H., Papachatzis A. (2021). Temperate climate yield plasticity and plateau production levels of chandler walnut orchards treated with CaO and enriched seaweed extract Ascophyllum nodosum. Annales of the University of Craiova, Vol. XXVI (LXII) p. 99-104.

Kalorizou H., Mitsaggas D., Papachatzis A. (2021). Assessing peach farmers technical production vulnerabilities and their perception to climate change. Annales of the University of Craiova, Vol. XXVI (LXII) p. 105-110.

Papachatzis A., Kalorizou H. (2017). Production of dried plums in Skopelos Island. Acta Horticulturae, 1175: 5-8.

Papachatzis A., Gougoulias N., Kalorizou H., Kalfountzos D., Wogiatzi E., Vyrlas P., Manthos I., Koutinas N., Pateras D. (2017). Comparative study on polyphenols content and antioxidant effect of plum varieties from the island of Skopelos in Greece. Acta Horticulturae, 1175: 77-82.

Papachatzis A., Kalorizou H., Arvanitis T. (2013). An economic assessment of super high density planting system of olive trees in Greece. Acta Horticulturae, 981:225-229.

Kazantzis Κ., Chatzicharissis Ι., Papachatzis Α., Sotiropoulos Τh., Kalorizou H., Koutinas N. (2011). Evaluation of sweet cherry cultivars introduced in Greece. Annales of the University of Craiova, Vol. XVI (LII) p. 293- 296.

Hashempour A., Fotouhi Ghazvini R., Bakhshi D., Aliakbar A., Papachatzis A., Kalorizou H. (2010). Characterization of virgin olive oils (Olea europaea L.) from three main Iranian cultivars, ‘Zard’, ‘Roghani’ and ‘Mari’ in Kazeroon region. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 24: 2080-2084.


  • Pomology
  • Olive Culture