Campus in Messolonghi

The facilities of the Department of Agriculture of the University of Patras are located in Messolonghi in an organized campus of 800 square meters.

In terms of facilities and infrastructure, the Department of Agriculture is one of the best Agricultural Departments, adequately covering the needs of the primary sector in the Region of Western Greece.

Building Department of Agriculture

Housed in a modern building of 5,500 sq.m. whose construction was completed in 2015.

The building has large classrooms to support the educational process, modern laboratories to support laboratory courses, one auditorium with a capacity of three hundred people respectively to hold classes, conferences and events.

Amphitheater Department of Agriculture

Department Laboratories

The laboratory areas of the department have sufficient facilities and excellent infrastructure and equipment for the conduct of laboratory courses and practical exercises, for the preparation of degree theses and practical training, and especially for research activity.

The Department has the following Laboratories:Greece Flag

Laboratory of Utilization of Agricultural Residues

Laboratory of Agricultural Genetics and Plant Improvement

Laboratory of Agricultural and Greenhouse Constructions

Laboratory of Agricultural Physicochemistry

Laboratory of Agricultural Hydraulics

Laboratory of Pomology

Laboratory of Soil Science

Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics

Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Laboratory of Physiology and Plant Nutrition

Laboratory of Plant Protection

Laboratory of Chemistry of the Aquatic Environment


The department also has particularly important infrastructures, such as the two large modern vegetable greenhouses, the Floriculture greenhouse, the Botany greenhouse or the Aeroponic farm.

It also has three small research modern greenhouses of the Laboratory of Greenhouse Technology, with a Meteorological Station.


Sports facilities

The campus includes, among other facilities for the educational purposes,  open courts for tennis, indoor gym with a basketball court and separate rooms for heavy lifting exercise.



There is a 400-seat restaurant on the premises and it is capable of feeding 1500 students per hour. Also, those who are not entitled to a meal card can eat at the restaurant by paying its price.